
Does Your Child Have Listening Fatigue?

Listening fatigue is a form of mental exhaustion that occurs in people who have hearing loss. Even when those with hearing loss wear the right hearing technology, they may still experience some form of listening fatigue, but it’s likely to impact them less. Hearing technology decreases listening fatigue as it helps improve listening and speech comprehension. Towards the end of a school day, children with hearing loss may be ‘physically and mentally spent’ as a result of focusing so intently on a teacher’s speech, as well as conversations with other students.

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3 Hearing Issues to Check for with the Sound Scouts App

It’s important to keep a regular check on your family’s hearing health as damage and loss can occur at any time as a result of many different factors. We explore what the three types of hearing difficulties Sound Scouts tests for are, and how we test them. Conductive Hearing Loss Conductive hearing loss is a condition that affects the outer ear, the eardrum, and the middle ear. A conductive loss occurs when there is a blockage or deformity preventing the ossicles (the three tiny bones in the ear) from vibrating properly which interferes with the sound traveling to the inner ear.

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What Kind Of Viruses Cause Hearing Loss?

They’re not always considered to be the culprit, but viruses are a common cause of both temporary and permanent hearing loss. COVID-19 and hearing loss Although further studies are required, a recent study has suggested that COVID-19 infection can result in sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL), despite the patient being asymptomatic. SSNHL occurs when there is damage to the hair cells around the cochlea, the cochlea, or the nerve pathways between the ear and the brain.

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9 Things To Know About Hearing Loss In Children

1. A child who has passed the newborn hearing test should have their hearing tested regularly throughout their school years Hearing loss can develop at any time, yet for some reason, we deem the newborn hearing test a free pass to a lifetime of perfect hearing. This is, unfortunately, not the case and many children will go through school with an undetected hearing loss because they have not been retested since birth.

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