What are the different types of Hearing Loss?

Conductive hearing loss occurs when something interferes with sound travelling to the inner ear. Usually temporary, it’s often caused by fluid frommiddle ear infections (often referred to as 'glue ear') but can also result from ear wax build-up or a foreign object lodged in the ear canal.

It’s estimated that around four out of five children will experience a middle ear infection at least once. Hearing loss can occur even after symptoms resolve because fluid can remain in the ear.

Sensorineural hearing loss results from damage to the inner ear and is permanent. It’s often present from birth but can also be acquired through exposure to loud noise, some medicines, some viral infections, and head injuries. It exists on a spectrum, ranging from mild to profound, and hearing aids or cochlear implants can help in most cases.

Listening Difficulties in Noise is a hearing issue than can occur despite a person receiving normal results in an audiogram. While hearing in quiet may be normal, hearing in noisy environments, such as the classroom or a restaurant, may be extremely difficult.

Listening difficulties in noise can be caused by a number of things including (but not limited to): auditory processing disorder, a developmental delay, a language issue, attention deficit and English as an additional language (or bi-lingual/multilingual capabilities).